Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Dishwasher!

As you know, part of the kitchen remodel is getting all new matching stainless steel appliances (so shiny!). We were planning on waiting until later to buy them all, since ours were working just fine, but I've been so fed up with the water spots and mineral deposits on my dishes, and even more with the dishes not even getting clean. I was ranting about it and Scott got up, put on his coat, and dragged me off to Home Depot, where we took the plunge and bought a new dishwasher.

Behold, my new lovely precious:

We had it delivered last Saturday, and Scott installed it himself, because he's brilliant and knows how to do everything. It looks SO SEXY:

There are some really awesome things about this dishwasher. One, it sings at you when it's finished! It's adorable! Two, the handle matches our cabinet hardware! Three, when it's on you can barely tell it's on because it's so quiet!

The new dishwasher will not solve our hard water problems, of course, so next we started the process of getting a water softener installed. More on that later!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Green Room, Part 5

Even though we all but finished the ex-green room weeks and weeks ago, I've been terribly lazy I haven't had a chance to post about it.

So first of all, here are the light covers we picked for the can lights:

These specific covers were meant for bathrooms, but I liked them so we decided to use them anyway.

Here's me, painting:

And here are a few shots around the room after we finished painting it:

The actual color is about halfway between the colors in the first two pictures. It's a hard color to capture with my cell phone's camera, but trust me when I tell you that it's a very serene blue (the same lighter blue color that's in the kitchen, in fact).

All that's left is building a sill onto the new window and finishing trim, then eventually replacing the carpet, and this room will be completely done.