I am writing to voice some concerns I have regarding your recent behavior. You have been rather inconsistent lately and I worry that you might have lost sight of who you are and what your goals should be.
We spent some time in your lovely sunshine a few days ago, and then we had a little bit of rain, which is understandable given that we are in April. I was so excited to wash my winter coat and hang it up until next winter, and the next thing I know it's a bit too cold for my jacket again. I also must tell you that I put away my mittens as well, and my hands have been a bit cold.
All of this, my dear Weather, pales in comparison to the tantrum you threw last night. I don't know why you were so upset, but was this

You are lucky that my wonderful husband shoveled this nasty stuff away from my car so I could back out of the driveway this morning.

Anna Walker
P.S. Don't do it again. Don't even.
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