Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat, and thought nothing of it, assuming it was just allergies (and that happens all the time, so no red flags). Friday afternoon I started to get a bit stuffy in the nose area and by Friday night I was starting to get body aches. YAY FOR GETTING A COLD. Perfect freaking timing.
So that put our deck building team at three people, which is probably still doable, right? We'll see about that.
So Friday night my mom came up to our house and we got everything prepped and ready for when the real work started in the morning. Here's Scott and my mom making a sawhorse:
We also got out all the tools, and Scott was excited to use his new 18V kit, and you can also see the boxes and boxes and boxes of nails and screws we got:
Anyway, so Friday night was Part 1. This is turning out to be quite a large project, so there will be several posts over the next few weeks, spreading out the story into more easily digestible bits
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