Monday, August 9, 2010

Funny Quotes!

"I'm not giving Ammon date rape drugs"
-Scott Walker

"At lease I'm wearing pants"

"Ammon is not here... "Really" and Ammon is not here... "'Really'" are totally different meanings."
-Scott Walker

"Did I just miss critical details involving your baby form"

"Sometimes I remix what you say to sound like things I like to hear"

"Rude: licking someones sandwich before they get to eat it. Creepy: licking someones sandwich WHILE they are eating it."
-Amy Smith

"I'm almost a high class idiot"

"Meat induced coma"
-Scott Walker

"I have to tell Anna, 'your husband isn't that smart"'
-Allene Marcum

"Think of it as a Thanksgiving dinner in a sandwich"
-Scott Walker

"Rude: hitting your sister. Creepy: hitting ON your sister"
-Amy Smith

"I is gunna be smart"
-Allene Marcum


  1. I like those! I think my favorite is "Did I just miss critical details involving your Baby Form?" You didn't put up the best one though..."I'm about One Quarter to a Fourth of the way done with it..." - Scott Walker

  2. I forgot about that one ... it's a good one.
